How to start experimenting
Tom Storr Tom Storr

How to start experimenting

From King to TapNation via the legendary Lawson at Heseri Games, we’ve worked in experimentation for over a decade. Over that time we’ve consistently seen how, when applied correctly, experimentation can unlock huge growth for games of any size. This article summarises what we’ve learnt across these experiences.

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Do Hyper-Casual Players Care About Goals?
Tom Storr Tom Storr

Do Hyper-Casual Players Care About Goals?

This is a write up of our first full experimentation loop with TapNation. You’ll learn what we tested, the results, outcomes of a detailed competitor analysis and what we’re doing next.

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Lifting Retention in Hyper-Casual Games
Tom Storr Tom Storr

Lifting Retention in Hyper-Casual Games

Core loops in hyper-casual games are elite. But the meta isn’t always strong enough to keep players engaged. As much as players enjoy their first few levels, after a while (and particularly with the ad model) they drift away to other experiences.

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